Take a look behind the scenes of our dynamic leadership webinar series…

At the flow academy we thought about trying out a new format: Between the beginning of June and the end of October, once a month an expert from the flow team will hold a 30-minute live webinar on a topic related to dynamic leadership. Before this experiment, we naturally asked ourselves: Is anyone actually taking part? Did we set the right focus? Does interaction come about or does such a webinar tend to lead to consumerism among the participants?

Leadership webinars on YouTube

There was a lot of interaction in the live webinars – within the limits of the time available. And for all those who have already asked whether they can “consume” the content again afterwards: Yes, you can. You can find three selected (German) webinars on our YouTube channel:

Power in leadership – it’s your attitude that counts.

  • Power, relationship, performance: What is decisive?
  • Elements of Shaping Leadership: Shaping Leadership
  • Ambidextry in leadership: A myth?
  • Leadership competencies for the digital transformation
  • Do you really want to lead? And if so, how?

Are you making your team strong?

  • Designing personnel development in line with the times: Prevent or fix – or both?
  • From qualification to competence – who is actually developing whom?
  • Personnel development and potential assessment: A worthwhile look into the crystal ball
  • How sustainable is human resource development without organisational development?

Who is leading here? Leadership the wrong way round

  • Why position alone does not determine power and powerlessness
  • Allow yourself to change roles – even a leader does not always have to lead.
  • Who else is leading – about informal leadership in teams and organisations.
  • About power games and how you can play along with them
  • Role, position, function: What does what mean?

For those who can only watch the leadership webinars now – canned, so to speak – this blog will at least give you a little insight into what it was like live. From the very beginning, from my personal point of view:

Between uncertainty and anticipation

Do you know that feeling when you try something new, when you take on an unknown challenge? This mixture of uncertainty, tension and anticipation? Then you can certainly understand how I felt before my live webinar in July – as the third member of the flow team. My topic was “Who’s leading? Leadership upside down”. I was a little surprised myself about my stage fright. Especially as the previous leadership webinars of colleagues had been well attended and the feedback was consistently positive.

My anticipation finally got the upper hand – partly due to the following incident: during the registration process, I received a very nice email from a client with whom I had last been in contact some time ago. She wrote me that she was very interested in the topic and was looking forward to taking part in the live webinar. So the format seemed like a good idea and met with real interest.

Mix of practitioners and theory-tested leaders

The main challenge with the live webinar was that the group was very heterogeneous. Even when creating the concept, I had to think about the broad spectrum of the audience and manage the balancing act between real practitioners and theory-tested managers. After all, there should be something for everyone.

Fortunately, many of the 24 participants turned on their cameras, so that I didn’t just have to lecture into the bull’s-eye, but could develop a feeling for the reactions.

After 30 minutes, my gaze automatically fell once more on the number of participants: still 24 – no one had left the webinar early. A nice confirmation, especially since we had a lively discussion about “micropolitics and morality” after my presentation. In the debate, the participants were mainly concerned with the question of whether it is morally upright to be involved in micropolitics in the organisation.

Leadership webinars become leadership workshops

This exciting discussion cannot be repeated in this way, but perhaps you are still curious? In the meantime, we have also developed workshop formats for leadership teams from the webinars, because some clients have requested them from us. If you are also interested in such a tailor-made concept – you know how to contact us 😉

Kind regards

Silke Engel