Organisational development in practice and with vision – come with us on a short journey through 30 years of flow consulting (Podcast in German language).

Firmenjubiläum 30 Jahre flow consulting“Always one day further and then suddenly it was 30 years…” answers Dieter Kannenberg when I ask him what goes through his mind thinking about the time since the company was founded until today.

In this podcast episode we talk about
– how it all started, the idea behind the foundation and the name flow consulting,
– what vision Dieter Kannenberg and Werner Morfeld had back then,
– how they promoted organisational development in practice – internally, but of course also with clients,
– the importance of learning,
– what the building blocks of success and turning points have been over the last three decades.

Action Learning as a Building Block for Organisational Development

One term appears in various places: action learning. This learning method by Reginald Revans was not yet very widespread in the training scene in the 1990s in Germany and became a central building block in flow’s work with and for organisations. No theoretical ‘classroom learning’, but a high level of practical relevance, which is ensured in intensive preparatory discussions with clients. No role play from a retort, but practical cases or projects developed together on site. This is how flow consulting still works today.

Developing people and organisation

We in the flow team also regularly report to each other about externally attended training courses and consider together for which client organisation the topic/method/approach is relevant or feasible or what we can learn from it for ourselves. In retrospect, this is also an important success factor for Dieter Kannenberg – never standing still, always continuing to learn. Always with the aim that not only people develop, but also the organisation itself with its structures and culture.

So: if you take 20 minutes of your time, you will learn a lot more about the development of flow consulting. And you can also read Dieter Kannenberg’s very personal view of very special moments in the Weekly on LinkedIn – if you haven’t already done so.

I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Anneli Gabriel

You can also find our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

picture: flow consulting