The Digital Maturity analysis tool helps you determine the maturity level of your organisation on the path to digital transformation and identify next ‘building sites’.

Managing the digital transformation, designing and developing it coherently with the culture, structure and strategy of the company is not a purely technical task. It is a task of organisational development.

“In our company, IT is responsible for the digital transformation.” Okay – you can do it that way. Transferred to my baker, this would mean that the farmer who grows grain is responsible for the rolls. Grain cultivation / IT are important for business and also an art in itself, no question. But there is a little more to baking bread and digital transformation.

Our analysis tool broadens the view: From technology to people and business. And above all to the interactions between the three topics. With the help of an assessment questionnaire, you can determine the maturity level of your organisation. If you compare your results with those of other colleagues, initial discussions about different impressions and expectations will already arise. These are often discussions that are not otherwise held in this breadth and depth. It’s about thinking outside the box … and looking beyond. If you then differentiate your assessment according to departments, locations or product groups, it becomes clear: your organisation has different levels of ‘digital maturity’. That which you have probably already sensed and accepted is now becoming transparent and thus discussable.

Three levels of digital maturity

The result of the analysis tool always refers to three intertwined levels:

• Interrelationships between Technology – People – Business

• Relationships to the ordering moments of culture, strategy and structure

• Project phases of planning, implementation and evaluation

In this way, you not only receive detailed analysis, but also precise indications as to which of the combinations of interdependency, moment of order and project phase present the greatest challenges of the digital transformation. For the management, it makes a difference whether you work next on planning a strategy at the interface of technology and business. Or on the implementation of cultural changes in people – technology. In order to avoid flying blind, doing what seems obvious (but is wrong) or going astray, you should manage the digital transformation in a targeted way. Don’t just follow it … just as my baker doesn’t just clump ground grain into rolls, but juggles customer expectations, new creations, oven technology and employee qualifications on a daily basis.

You can now request the “Digital Maturity” analysis tool as part of our consulting services. Then we will discuss the digital state of affairs and the next steps together and get them up and running.

picture: unsplash